Gay or Straight?
Hold on, let me try and figure out how YOUR sexual
preference may have offended or may have affected MY lifestyle.
You’re right, it didn’t. And probably wouldn’t and
And if you’re bothered by someone else’s sexual preference,
you should probably find a job or a way to be happy, cause bunny, it seems like
you have too much time to spare.
Most of the time, we are bothered by other’s happiness and
lifestyle because we are sad or depressed. Like it’s their fault they are
happy, and why should they be? Gah, here I’m sulking and there you are taking
pictures with your loved ones and having a great time like “whateves” I don’t
even care. And if you’re gay, God hates you for loving someone else other than
yourself. Yep, that’s right. I made sense.
Because don’t mind me, there are tons of people dying cause of
starvation or they are being victims of the war and politics and oooh forget
about how people are killing each other for their own selfish reasons. But NO,
I will definitely focus on gay people, cause how dare are they, going around
loving everyone and everything and being happy.
^ Notice how stupid and idiotic I sound?
So do you.
And if you’re still arrogant about it, bringing in nature
and religious issues. Sweet cheeks, there are zillion things you can pick on,
like I don’t know, people having sex before marriage? Now that’s something you
can riot about, religiously it’s forbidden but you’re doing it anyway. I could
go on with the list of things you can be bothered about but in my head, I like to think I’m sort of busy.
As a Muslim, I’m in no state to judge people whether they
will go to heaven or hell but somehow we do that anyway and I have no idea why. Because end
of the day, how a person decides to pray to God it’s up to them. Yes, Allah has
given us instructions on it, but he has also mentioned it’s not up to us to decide. Like look at us, thinking we're so important and shit. -_-
Loving someone can no way be a sin, it just isn’t. Stop
making it sound so bad, you need sugar my friend, go get yourself some ice
If you have such strong views and opinions about gay
marriage, then that’s YOUR opinion. Keep it to yourself. Because I’m sure you
wouldn’t like someone else to come and give you his or her opinion on how to
lead your life. If you’re wondering why I’m advising you on it, then I’ll be
like “Because I think it’s my responsibility to share my wisdom”
And since I’m on it, another free advice, stop meddling into
other people’s business, you jobless creature. There’s still time to change and
be a better person. Don’t just go around
judging people for who they love, I judge you all if you’re ignorant and
arrogant, on that note, come join me. Lets judge all the arrogant and ignorant
people together. <3
I call people gay, when they’re happy. Because in my head,
they’re just all happy and colorful people no matter if you like the same
gender or the opposite. The days when I’m happy about everything and anything,
I would call myself; gay. I use it as a compliment, come sit beside me, lets be
gay together.
To all my special homophobic friends, please stop thinking
all the gay men and women want you, they really don’t I’m sure. They’re probably
being nice to you cause genuinely they just are nice and happy. At least the
friends I have got, they’re amazing.
Anyway I have made my point, stop being bothered by things
around you that does not affect you in any way! Live a happier life by caring
about good things, not useless pointless things.
Let us start appreciating little things instead, come, let's start with appreciating how cute I am.
It's too loud. How about try writing opposite to your opinion...exactly same way. Your writing is nice otherwise. Let us make our decision taking your logic/emotion etc in account but not shout.